Just got back from One Utama and had dinner at SS2 Murni where I was supposed to meet up with Henry and his friend. Got to meet boyfee! *teehee*
Too bad my phone ran out of battery!
Patty and Krusty crabbie stayed with their dada over the past three days.
Dada is so lousy he can't take care of them properly!
But all smiles! They are back here with me.
I'd love to blog more but I'm not able to do so as I am madly tired.
I see double of everything. My blood level is equivalent to a drunked man's. Tipsy.
I attended the 3rd Malaysian Student Leadership Summit (MSLS) @ Nikko Hotel today.
Will update about this event later and a certain point of view of mine regarding the issues of the inconsistency in our education system regardless BM or English as well as a few rebuttable issues on speeches given by the panels of the day.
So stay tuned! Tata~
And I shall end here.