no eye see.
I'm back on track! Okay, so not exactly on track.. but yea, you get what I meant.
Few days ago I attended a party inconjunction for all the September babies at Ken Jon's place. I was hoping to cilok pictures for those who brought cameras after they've blogged about it but sadly NO ONE HAS BLOGGED ABOUT IT YET!
Eh people, faster blog about it can or not?
Hari Raya falls on tomorrow. The suckiest part is that I have to work. I think I wanna quit working soon. Yea i know right..I'm getting malas-er and malas-er each day. So malas that I came to the extand of not going gym for centuries. I can feel the soggy disgusting oily slimy fats building in me again and guess what? I've got no guilty feeling against it at all!!!
I was at One Utama yesterday when I saw flocks of school kids flooding the mall.
"Eh look, holiday started already all the monkeys come out."
Okay. I super hate going to malls full with school kids lor.
It is like they wear as if they are gonna go clubbing and they girls think they are so pretty can die dot com in slutty clothes with no sense of fashion.
It is like they just grabbed anything they see on the way out of the house.
And the guys think they are Brat Pitt but sadly the closes they can get to is a stinky arm pitt.
P/S:: I don't think this senario aplies to Melawatians.
Look. I'll blog about something more interesting later. My brain jammed.
And I shall end here.