An addiction of mine.
Met up with the girls yesterday.
Anusha, Juney, Tsing Hsieh, Jo Lene and I got together for tea.
I felt happy seeing them again. As if I found my old self again.
I love going college on Tuesday! Because classes seems to end quick on this particular day. =)
During our Statistic class, Amanda suddenly popped the question,
" Eh! How come you know how to do this question?"
" Because I use my brain to think." I replied dryly.
" Are you saying I'm not using my brain?" She answered with a cold tone.
Woppss.. I think she got offended! Sowie babe.
Seriously.. how am I suppose to answer her question?
It is like asking, " Hey! Why do you have a dick?"
And what are you suppose to answer?
" Because I've got two extra lonely balls who needs the company of the almighty dick."
Okay. L-A-M-E-ooOooOOoo.
After college, boyfriend came to fetch me up and went over to TTDI to have my lunch. PORRIDGE was the only existing food I can eat without much pain.
Then we headed to The Curve/Ikano/IKEA/Cineleisure.
We cam whore in the car and he got too excited and made me the photographer to take gazillion pictures of him.
bah. Like pondan je.
Boyfriend smiles for the camera.
I hate the smile on my face
My turn to cam whore.
I've got more MORE pictures. But you'll get bored looking at it. So why bother.
Our main intention was to watch a movie.
But ended up cancelling the movie plan and ended up playing pool + walking around IKEA picking out our favorite furniture + makan.
Had McD for tea and tapau-ed meatballs from IKEA for my dinner.
My initial idea of piercing my tongue thinking it was also a good idea to cut down my intake of food memang failed.
Ever since I got it pierced, I've been craving for EXTRA MORE unhealthy food.
Ignoring the pain, I'd just gobble down everything with a mind set,
" Why let pain control you?"
Okay. That is stupid.
Now I'm back home typing this post while boyfriend is sleeping like a pig on the couch. I can hear him snore. wakakka... Gotta wake him up to take off his contact lens!
And I shall end here.